How Republican Easily Win Big In 2024

How Republican Easily Win Big In 2024


Republicans' Easy Path To Dominate 2024 (And Make You Rich)

This should be a lay down - for politicians and investors. 

Republicans could dominate in 2024 if they did it. 

And it could send a handful of left-for-dead stocks into orbit. 

It’s all about oil. 

Specifically, unleashing the oil industry. 

If the incoming Republicans take a stand on this one, they will win big, the economy will win big, and you could win big too. 

Here’s how. 


Oil's Well That Ends Well

The oil sector is an odd position that’s never been seen before. 

The geopolitical and regulatory upheaval over the last two years has created a situation where oil prices are high, yet oil companies aren’t ramping up production in response. 

The situation has killed oil service stocks. 

Oil services should be rocking right now. 

But they’re not. 

In fact, the Dow Jones U.S. Select Oil Equipment & Services Index has had an OK 2022, but it’s still down 68% from its 2014 highs. 

Basically, oil service companies are priced for the worst. 

But the worst is already past, the industry is slowly recovering, and any changes in regulatory practices would likely accelerate the recovery and spark an epic run in oil service stocks. 

This chart from the Energy Consulting Group shows where on the road to recovery fracking is right now:


The chart shows that racking activity would have to grow by another 150% just to get back to 2014 peak levels. 

That is certainly within range where oil prices aren’t much lower today than they were back then. 

One best positioned is Profrac (ACDC),  a fracking services company in Texas that has been crushed in the anti-energy policies that have roiled domestic production. 

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