RANKED: World’s top 10 nickel projects

  • 03/16/2021
  • Source: Mining.com
  • by: MINING.com Editor
RANKED: World’s top 10 nickel projects
While the world’s top nickel suppliers are Indonesia, the Philippines and Russia, six out of this year’s top ten ranked nickel projects for 2021 are in North America, with the 1st in Ontario, Canada, and the 2nd in a seafloor deposit in the Clarion Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean, between Hawaii and Mexico.

To identify major nickel deposits that could form part of the global supply landscape in the future, MINING.COM and sister company MiningIntelligence compiled the 10 largest projects under development worldwide and ranked them based on contained nickel resources in the measured and indicated categories.

While nickel is mostly used for stainless steel, the base metal has begun to take centre stage in the production of batteries in electric vehicles, as it is expected that original equipment manufacturers will increasingly use high-nickel cathode battery chemistries.

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