Colorado cannabis retailers have sold more than $10 billion worth of legal pot since recreational marijuana became legal in the state in 2014, with more than $2 billion of that total coming in 2020 alone. Cannabis sales figures for 2020, a year when many business sectors suffered severe negative impacts from the coronavirus pandemic, were released by the Colorado Department of Revenue on Tuesday.
While many bars, restaurants, entertainment venues, and other businesses were forced to close or curtail operations during the outbreak, Colorado designated cannabis retailers and producers as essential businesses in March of last year. Cannabis sales totaled $2.19 billion in the state in 2020, up from $1.75 billion the year before.
“It’s good that in this really challenging year at least some of our industries are doing well,” Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said last week in an interview with the Denver Post. “It also shows that Colorado’s marijuana industry continues to lead the nation in excellence and innovation with additional measures like delivery.”