“A wave of optimism has swept over American business leaders, and it is beginning to translate into the sort of investment in new plants, equipment and factory upgrades that bolsters economic growth, spurs job creation – and may finally raise wages significantly.”
Stock Market’s Value Under Trump Has Grown by $6.9 Trillion
So why on Earth or anywhere else would Congress look to undo any of this uber-goodness?
To wit: In December, the Trump Administration rightly, reasonably did this:
Trump’s FCC Votes to Repeal Net Neutrality
Due to the glacier-esque way government works, December’s regulations-repeal – wasn’t actually enacted until in just the last fortnight. So it is too early to know the actual implications on the economy.
But given the glorious results of Trump deregulation…everywhere else it’s been applied – it ain’t difficult to project that this too will greatly help.
In fact, we do know what happened after Barack Obama imposed the massive regulatory expansion:
Repealing Net Neutrality Returns FCC to ‘Rational’ Approach Over Internet: “Capital expenditure in broadband declined by 5.6 percent since Title II was adopted in 2015, which amounted to over $3.6 billion in lost investment.”
So lifting government’s boot off the throat of the Internet – will almost certainly restore lifeblood investment circulation. Just as it’s done everywhere else.
Exciting, this anticipation.
Congressional Democrats, of course, are not so excited – so much as enraged.
And they are attempting to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) – a law devised and designed to repeal regulations – to reimpose Obama’s Internet power grab.
Democrats Force Senate Vote on Net Neutrality Repeal
Of course, “forcing” that Senate vote – isn’t particularly difficult to do:
“Democrats reached a critical threshold of 30 co-sponsors on legislation that would reverse the FCC’s rollback….”
Democrats currently hold forty-nine Senate seats, so…. And all forty-nine are of course on board for this nonsense. But they need fifty-one votes to pass the Senate’s half of the CRA.
Oh: The Republican-majority House’s half is…the longest of long shots. And Trump has repeatedly cited the FCC’s rollback – as yet another deregulatory win. So the chances of him signing it – are between slim and none. And slim left town.
Which begs the question: Why are any members of either body wasting any time on this inanity? When they haven’t done their actual job – like, say, pass a regular-order-budget – since before the Tide Pod Generation was even born?
But this is where it gets truly inane and highly annoying.
Democrats love huge government. It’s their thing.
Republicans are – ostensibly, allegedly – the people who want less government.
So why on Earth or anywhere else – is this happening?
For the complete article please visit
Red State.
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