Seven out of ten Americans believe that smoking marijuana is morally acceptable, according to a poll that tracks values and beliefs in the United States. Results of the poll that surveys American’s views on the moral acceptability of 21 different social issues were released this week by Gallup.
When asked about cannabis, 70% of the poll’s respondents said that “smoking marijuana” was morally acceptable, while 28% said it was morally wrong. The remaining 2% said that smoking marijuana was not a moral issue, it depends on the situation, or that they had no opinion.
Justin Strekal, the political director for the cannabis advocacy group the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), said that the results of the poll reflect Americans’ changing opinion of pot, noting that moral acceptance of cannabis had increased by five percentage points since Gallup asked the question only one year ago.
“Public opinion continues to drastically evolve in favor of marijuana’s legal and cultural status and it is time that the federal laws evolve as well,” Strekal said in a press release.