Cramer: The stock market will continue rallying despite trade war, impeachment and other concerns

  • 11/26/2019
  • Source: CNBC
  • by: Kevin Stankiewicz
Cramer: The stock market will continue rallying despite trade war, impeachment and other concerns
  • The stock market continues to rally because there are more positives than negatives in the environment, CNBC’s Jim Cramer says. 
  • While some of those negatives such as impeachment and the trade war are significant, even their impact hasn’t been as significant as thought, the “Mad Money” host says.
  • “That’s why I think we can keep climbing through the end of the year,” Cramer says. 
The stock market continues to rally, even though the trade war has not been resolved, the yield curve is flattening again, and some opioid makers are facing another criminal probe.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Tuesday explained why it is happening, starting with the fact retailers haven’t been as hurt by tariffs in the U.S.-China trade dispute as expected.

That is representative of the broader environment, Cramer said, in which there are more positives than negatives.

“The big guys in retail are doing just fine. Walmart, Target, Amazon, Costco simply haven’t felt the pain,” the “Mad Money” host said, adding that while the tariffs have hurt some retailers, the “sky is falling narrative” hasn’t materialized.


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